Solmax offers geotextiles solution for flooding
September 20th, 2023
A law in the Netherlands requires more and more stormwater management at the municipal level in new construction projects. With MIRAFI® Geolon FW 180, Solmax offers the solution: Rainwater is collected in a buffer system and returned to nature. Climate change is increasing the intensity of rainfall in many regions. At the same time, the […]
Geosynthetic load transfer platform for stormwater management system in Malaysia
September 6th, 2021
Installation of Mirafi HP380a over the flat thin soil layer followed by aggregate backfilling. Photograph courtesy of TenCate Geosynthetics Asia Sdn. Bhd. Climate change and human mismanagement of water resources, such as river channels and floodplains, increase flooding and erosion problems. Poor urbanization restricts floodwater flow and eventually leads to destructive flooding. Detention and retention […]