Choosing soil stabilization geosynthetics
April 12th, 2022
For a Seattle road over marshland, the contractor chose a Tensar International Corp. geogrid for soil stabilization. By Alec Anderson, P.E., Regional Sales Manager, Tensar International Corp. Installing a geotextile. Photograph courtesy of Tensar International Corp. When soft soils are encountered on a jobsite, many contractors automatically turn to the same solutions they've always used. However, […]
Resilient Roads Roundtable announces innovators/influencers list
March 15th, 2022
The Resilient Roads Roundtable announces infrastructure innovators and influencers in the public sector and government agencies. Photograph courtesy Resilient Roads Roundtable The Resilient Roads Roundtable—a consortium of business, academia and government working together toward roads that are safer, smoother, more sustainable and better able to rebound from extreme conditions, without increasing the cost to build and […]
Proposed ASTM geosynthetics standard will aid in road and pavement design
November 11th, 2021
Photograph courtesy of Tensar Corp. ASTM International’s geosynthetics committee (D35) is developing a proposed standard that will provide engineers with specific information for components necessary for road and pavement design. The proposed standard (WK70888) outlines a commonly used test to characterize the performance of geosynthetics for roadway applications. Specifically, it describes the use of the […]